Jamestown  (Chamber)       The Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce will host the Buffalo Days Parade on Sat July 25.

The Parade Route has been extended and the Chamber is encouraging the public to spread out and practice social distancing.

The Parade will start at McElroy Park at 9:00am. The parade will head north on 2nd Avenue SE to 8th Street SE. Turn west on 8th Street SE to 1st Avenue, then turn North onto 1st Avenue. The parade will proceed north on 1st Avenue to 1st Street E. The Parade will not cross over the railroad tracks. The floats will then head East on 1st Street E and turn South on 3rd Avenue SE. The parade will continue South on 3rd Avenue SE back to McElroy Park.


  • Stay 6 ft. apart, and respect the space of others.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Wear a mask when you can.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • If you aren’t feeling well, stay home.
  • Abide by the ND Smart Restart Protocols.

Let’s be ND Smart and have a great event!

For more information, contact Emily Bivens by emailing: director@jamestownchamber.com or call the chamber at 701-252-4830.