Valley City  (VCPS)  North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum Thursday updated county risk levels  with no change for Barnes County which remains in the “Yellow”, moderate risk level.




Valley City Public Schools Superintendent Josh Johnson said,” We will continue to follow the guidance from the Governor’s Office and NDDoH for counties in “Yellow”; however, we will continue to plan for a possible change to “Green.”  Valley City Public Schools COVID-19 statistics are following closely with the improvements in Barnes County. In the past week, we have had ZERO new cases and the number of close contacts will be the lowest for the 2020-2021 school year. The new guidelines enacted one week ago requiring masks in our classrooms are allowing more of our students to be learning in-person in our schools and we thank you for supporting this change and again, allowing our students to be in-person (5 days per week) at Valley City Public Schools.”

Josh Johnson


Valley City Public Schools

(701) 845-0483
