February 20 thru 23, from 8am to 4pm, VCHS is having a food drive. Collection boxes will be in each classroom at the elementary schools. The class who brings in the most items will receive a prize!

Help them fill the HAC with food to support Barnes County Food Pantry! Please watch expiration dates and give generously!

All Community members, business, and groups are invited to participate as well! Drop off your goods to the Valley City High School.

Typies of items needed are Laundry Soap, Toiletries, Soup, Canned Vegetable, Cereal, Pancakes mix, Syrup, Canned Fruits, Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken, Pudding, Jello, Mac N Cheese, Pork n Beans, Jelly, Peanut Butter, Rice a Roni, Rice A Roni and Spaghetti.

Contact Student Council Advisor, Kyla Fetsch, at kyla.fetsch@k12.us with any questions! Drop off location is the Valley City High School.