JAMESTOWN, N.D. (Valley News Live) – In May, commercial flights out of the Jamestown Regional Airport are going to be suspended for six weeks.

(Editor’s Note as of April 3: The United Website show no United flights to or from Jamestown available May 7 – June 14, dates approximate. CSiNews will update as actual dates are released by the airport as repairs are completed)

Airport Director Katie Hemmer says they are repairing the main runway, and the other runways aren’t big enough to accommodate commercial planes.

Airline carriers will contact those who have already purchased tickets for flights during that six-week period to help them either rebook or refund their flights. The airport will remain open for other general flights, like agriculture spray planes, recreational and student flights.

Hemmer says the airport will reopen for commercial flights around June 16, but hopes they’ll be able to open back up before then.