Jamestown – Come to the Open house at the Masonic Temple across the street from Alfred Dickey Library, on Saturday, April 13, from 1-4 pm for an open house to showcase the potential use of the Masonic Temple building as an addition to the James River Valley Library System.

The James River Valley Library System (JRVLS) want to explore if expansion into Masonic Temple can be done affordably. If so, this would lead to the closing of the Stutsman County Library combining Stutsman County Library inventory into two buildings.

So far $19,000 has gone into seeing if this junction will work. No price for the Masonic Temple has been mention at this time.

To bring the Masonic Temple up to modern day requirements, it would start around $3 million dollars, and that does not include clearing the building of unsafe materials.

The Open house at the Masonic Temple across the street from Alfred Dickey Library, on Saturday, April 13, from 1-4 pm open house. This event is free and open to the public.