Hello Folks, “If you don’t like North Dakota weather, wait five minutes, it will change”. Is the changing weather why we seem to talk about it often? The weekend was beautiful, people were working in yards, walking, biking & fishing. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Maybe we’ll be Blessed with a little rain this week.
Over the weekend it was fun seeing young kids out playing in shorts and t-shirts, one was barefoot and wearing a diaper, cute!
There was a Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) Board Meeting last week. Drought, power adequacy, inflation & reliability were some of the topics. How can drought affect our power adequacy or costs? Less water flowing prevents hydro power plants from generating at maximum capacity resulting in less power available which forces market power purchases. MRES is continually working to provide a cost-affective, reliable power mixture for us as customers.
The Valley City Area Chamber of Commerce held its “Celebration and Awards Night” last Thursday. A nice crowd turned out to support the local businesses and people who are investing in Valley City and the area. A nice, succinct program and a good dinner made for a relaxing evening for all in attendance. Watch for next year’s event, come out and join in the the fun. “SHOP LOCAL”.
Remember, Valley City Residents’ can haul grass, branches and leaves to the year-round, 24-7 dump site. Please put your material in the appropriate area and pile “UP” instead of spreading “out”. Thank you.
Visit the Valley City Parks and Recreation website, https://www.vcparks.com. There are activities and facilities available for kids, adults and even for we “older folks”. Friendly employees will welcome and assist you.
Clean-up Week: Materials be MUST sorted into piles & DO NOT put piles out until after your previous week’s pick-up. For further information, please call 701-845-0314.
Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.
LOVE: “Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.” ~ Unknown Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,
Dave Carlsrud
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