Greetings Everybody, Did you know ours is a “Critical Access Hospital” and is nationally ranked for quality care?  Recently, on different days, a friend of mind and I needed emergency care at CHI and we both experienced quality, compassionate care.  We are fortunate to have CHI Mercy Health Hospital. Thank you to the team.

Congratulations to Wes Anderson who recently received “The Daughters of Colonial Wars Teacher Award”.  The award exemplifies and encourages patriotism, interest in our American History and Heritage.  Thanks for all you do Wes.

Construction is underway in several areas of town …… of course, cuz it is summer or almost summer!  There are numerous areas where construction is taking place, some due to need and some by design.  The projects are “phased” so the amount of time businesses are inconvenienced is minimized.

Many of you may have favorite businesses you frequent that may be affected by construction.  The contractors and engineers are partnering to provide temporary access to these businesses throughout the construction process, so give a little extra effort and support those who have been serving you.

Last week the “Young Professionals Network” sponsored a “Speed Networking” event at VCSU.   Students were afforded opportunities to expand their comfort zones and enhance their people skills related to networking.  For you who are wondering, the format is similar to speed dating.

Over the weekend we celebrated an event with family and one with some “veteran” sports officials.  Take time to contact old friends, it may make your day.

Clean-up Week begins May 13:  Materials be MUST sorted and piled; DO NOT put piles out until after your previous week’s pick-up.  NEW: There will be a branch pick-up (3” diameter and smaller) following Clean-up Week, the time is to be determined.  For further information, please call 701-845-0314.

Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.                                                                                                  

Happiness sneaks in through the door you didn’t know you left open.”       ~ John Barrymore                                                                                   Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Dave Carlsrud