Hello Everybody, to the best of my recollection, here are some of my memories from “Decoration” Day activities in Wolverton, MN.  The name was change to “Memorial” Day in 1971.

Wolverton is a small town between Breckenridge and Moorhead on Highway 75 and in the day, a population of about 200.  The time was late 50’s & early 60’s with many of the men being WWII and Korean War Veterans.  It was a patriotic community with most everyone being connected in some way with a veteran.  Very, very seldom do I recall anyone farming on Memorial Day, even if spring was late.

Throughout the week the Color Guard, of which my Dad was one, practiced drill and the 21-Gun Salute.  Memorial Day morning many families would follow the Color Guard to numerous cemeteries in the area to salute the veterans buried in each identified by small American Military Flags.  Following the ceremonies, we kids got to pick up the shell casings for reloading and use them as little flutes.  We thought it to be neat.

When all deceased veterans had been appropriately honored, we returned to town for a program at the “gym”.  Following the program, food magically appeared!  Of course many of our Moms chipped in and made that happen. Thanks Moms.  The food must always have been good as I had to wear “Chunky Jeans” in those days!

Following “dinner”, then it was dinner not lunch, guys of all ages moved a block over to the softball diamond.  Grampas, Dads and kids would all play.  We played fast pitch in those days though pitching was adjusted to whoever was batting.  By mid to late afternoon we were worn out ….. I wonder who cleaned the gym?  Guesses anyone?

Anyway, it was a great educational family time in a wonderful little community for which I will always be grateful.

Please have a wonderful Memorial Weekend honoring those who afforded us freedom through serving and giving of their lives.  I believe it is always appropriate to thank a veteran or active soldier. 

Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this article.                                                                                                  

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”   ~ Elmer Davis                                                                                Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Dave Carlsrud