Valley City – All of Oliver is now at the Barnes County Museum thanks to Alan Komrosky and his Hell Creek Relics Crew.  His daughter Emily gracefully bobbed and weaved in and out of the bones above and below tying red strings to correlate between the Gundy Triceratops casting by Triebold Paleontology (On loan from the ND Geological Survey), and Oliver the Triceratops fossil still in field jackets. 

It is a unique, if not first-ever, paleontological comprehensive exploded view of triceratops’ anatomy.  “Triceratops by IKEA!  Some assembly required. (batteries not included)”.  We’re not sure how long Oliver will be with us as he is indeed for sale and will leave us when that happens, but in the meantime, he’s here for everyone to come see and learn the art and science of OLD bones in this most original way.  Open Mon-Sat 10-4pm Free-will donations welcome

Almost EXACTLY ten years ago, Alan Komrosky brought in the skull of “Bob” the triceratops to be on display at the Barnes County Museum in Valley City.

Today he has begun the process of bringing in ANOTHER dinosaur to our museum! “Oliver”, also a triceratops, Alan found a couple years ago, and while still in pieces, “Oliver” will be on display in field jackets under “Gundy” (Mike Triebold’s Triceratops on loan from the ND Geological Survey) to have the real fossil shown along with the casting. THIS IS SO COOL!

This isn’t all of Oliver, just some. More fossils will be forthcoming, but this is just a taste of things to come. Sacrum, Pubis, and an Ishia.  I will let you know when Alan plans for “The Parade of Bones”.  

Thank you, Alan and the folks at Hell Creek Relics!