Valley City – Hello Everyone, Frequent rains have certainly made for rapid grass growth and beautiful lush looking lawns …… lots of mowing though.  On the challenging side, farmers are struggling to plant crops and construction companies are battling to dry soils so construction can continue.  Please pray for moderate moisture.

Last Friday evening, a great crowd attended the play “Radio Station W-MIC-Eeeeasy Listening”.  The story is about a community of mice, being threatened by a “Rat Pack”.  It was presented by a group of K-8 students along with Dr. Ashley and Police Chief Nick Horner.  The play was written and produced by Carol Foth and Colette Jensen.  With a commitment by all and a few rehearsals, the event was a “Home Run”.  Great job everyone!  If you weren’t there, watch for it next year as it is worth investing part of an evening.  In case you are wondering, the “Good Guys” do win 🙂

When you are in the area, stop in the Commission Chambers at City Hall and view the pictures taken and displayed by the Sheyenne Valley Career & Tech Center Graphic Communication Class.  We are grateful they have chosen to display their artistic work with us. Thank you.

Recently I mentioned that road construction uptown is being done in phases to keep as many roads open as possible.  While utilizing that option, some streets will be crowded with equipment and workers requiring each of us to be especially careful in and around construction zones.  Much of the construction equipment is huge and often it is a citizen driver who is injured so please, be safe.

June is National Safety Month and provides a month’s worth of free safety resources to highlight leading causes of preventable injury and death. Let’s work together providing safety at home and on the job.

Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this article.                                                                                                  

Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul.  ~ Jim Valvano                                                                                 Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Dave Carlsrud