Photo: Doug Zink


CARRINGTON, N.D. (KFGO) – Most of the fire has been extinguished with occasional flare ups as rail cars are moved by crews. Cleanup operations continue today as train cars are removed and more infrastructure is built back up.

The derailed cars involve contained only methanol, anhydrous ammonia and plastic pellets. The plastic pellets contributed to the dark color of the smoke. Air monitoring has consistently shown 0.0% air contamination in the area. Remote monitoring downwind also shows no contamination and a permanent crew station in Carrington – the nearest major population center – to guarantee safety and is reporting negative readings. The ND Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) reported Saturday at 5:00 P.M. that there were no impacts to soil or water outside the incident site. 

Responders are now cautiously working toward reclaiming anhydrous and methanol tanks as these tanks still have product inside and were entangled in the crash. Each car must be individually evaluated, relocated and emptied of as much product as possible before they can finally be removed. The situation is being closely monitored by environmental specialists to ensure as little product as possible is lost.

CPKC has developed an in-depth and procedural recovery plan with many safety redundancies. Local first responders have been briefed in on the plan and remain on-site and ready to respond 24/7 should the need arise. Small fires continue to burn as rail cars are removed to gain access. CPKC was the result of a merger last year of Canadian Pacific Railway and Kansas City Southern.

Previously Reported: FOSTER COUNTY, N.D. (KFGO) – More than 20 cars of a CPKC train derailed about 10 miles southeast of Carrington, North Dakota early Thursday morning, July 4.

Foster County Emergency Manager Andrew Kirking says a number of the cars started on fire and continued burning for hours. Kirking says there has also been damage to the tracks. No injuries have been reported.

The railroad reported that crews, including its senior officers of operations and hazardous materials teams, have responded to the derailment to assess the situation.