Jamestown – The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Heinrich at 5:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.

Roll Call showed the following members present: Mayor Heinrich, Council Members Kamlitz, Schloegel, Steele, City Attorney Ryan, and Deputy Auditor/HRO Sveum. Vacancy: One (1). Council Member Schloegel moved to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting, August 5, 2024; the special city council meeting, August 22, 2024, and the committee meetings August 20,2024, and August 22, 2024. Seconded by Council Member Steele. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.

No bids were received for the sale of abandoned/impounded vehicles. City Attorney Ryan informed the Council that there were three bids that were unopened at the August 29, 2024, bid opening for the demolition of city building at 1100 Railroad Drive. City Attorney Ryan reported that two bids were not opened because the bid had fatal flaws that are not waivable by the Council. The bid from RTS Shearing did have a waivable defect and City Attorney Ryan did recommend the council waive the defect and open the bid. Council Member Steele moved to waive the defect and open the bid from RTS Shearing. Seconded by Council Member Kamlitz. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.

City Attorney Ryan opened the bid bond envelope from RTS Shearing and reviewed it and determined that more research needed to be done to determine if this bid is a valid bid.
Council Member Kamlitz moved to approve the following consent agenda items:
Resolution to approve the request from Jamestown-Stutsman Development Corporation (JSDC) for additional 2024 Flex PACE Program Funding in the amount of $116,000 (County $158.000) to fund all planned 2024 projects as well as potential 2024 Flex PACE projects.
Resolution to accept the Jamestown Parks and Recreation District notice of withdrawal from the City Group Insurance Fund including Health, Dental, Life and Long-Term Disability plans which participation shall end December 31, 2024.
Resolution to approve the request from Knights of Columbus #1883, for a site authorization to conduct gaming at Don Wilhelm’s Parking Lot, 305 Business Loop West, Saturday, September 21, 2024.
Resolution to approve the engineering services agreement with CPS, Ltd., for the annual Landfill Groundwater Monitoring report for City of Jamestown Landfill and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.
Resolution to approve the Minor Subdivision, Preliminary/Final Plat of Behles Gardenette Park 2nd Addition, Replat of the Replat of Lot 1 Thru 38 of Behles Gardenette Park Addition and Outlot A of Behles Gardenette Park Addition, Jamestown, Stutsman County, North Dakota. The property is located at 922, 1320, 1410, 1415, 1511 & 1515 Gardenette Drive, Jamestown, North Dakota.
Resolution to approve the Minor Subdivision, Preliminary/Final Plat of Bayer Addition, Replat of Lots 1-4, Block 1 of Prairie Park Addition, Within NW ¼ of Section 35, T140N, R64W, City of Jamestown, North Dakota. The property is located at 1406 10th St SW, Jamestown, North Dakota.
Resolution to approve the Capital Improvement Plan.
Resolution to approve the request from The Arts Center for a street closure fee waiver on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
Resolution to approve the addition of participation in a CO2 Stabilizer Storage facility located in Bismarck to the Capital Improvement Plan.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to Swanberg Construction, for construction on the McElroy Sanitary Sewer Forcemain Relocation Project #24-72, in the amount of $233,454.75.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to Park Construction Co, for construction on the Inert Landfill Cell #10 Project #24-XX, in the amount of $52,866.00.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to CC Steel, LLC, for construction on the 96 Stormwater Replacement-Phase 2 Project #24-71, in the amount of $676,934.19.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 3, to Ferguson Waterworks, for construction on the Water Meter Replacement Program Project #24-61, in the amount of $248,220.00.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 4, to Scherbenske, Inc., for construction on the 2023 Water Main Improvements District 23-61, in the amount of $285,692.12.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 4, to LD Concrete, for Construction on the 2024 Sidewalk and Curb & Gutter District 24-11, in the amount of $1,397.75.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 4, to Border States Paving Inc., for construction on the 2024 Seal Coat, Patching, Construction and Reconstruction District 24-41, in the amount of $936,915.25.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 6 (Inv 96682), to AE2S, LLC, for Water & Sewer Instrument & Control Panel Upgrades, in the amount of $16,011.55.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 7 (Inv 08387.10-7), to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for 2024 Jamestown Planning and Zoning Technical Services, in the amount of $3,461.65.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 12 (Inv 96875) to AE2S, LLC, for Cyber Security Improvements for a total amount of $1,467.33.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 116 (Inv 96793), to AE2S, LLC, for On Call engineering services (I&C Water) for a total amount of $344.50.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 4 (Inv 55399), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Project #24-72 McElroy Sanitary Forcemain Relocation, in the amount of $9,096.66.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 4 (Inv 55405), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Project #24-63 11th Ave SW Water Main Replacement, in the amount of $380.00.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 5 (Inv 55402), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on New Inert Landfill Cell, in the amount of $3,370.38.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 6 (Inv 55403), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Project #24-71 Phase II of 96” Storm Sewer Improvement Repair, in the amount of $13,951.90.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 8 (Inv 55406), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Project #24-61 Radio Read Water Meters, in the amount of $5,530.00.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 11 (Inv 55398), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services for 2023 Water Main Improvement District #23-61, in the amount of $33,573.22.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 11 (Inv 55191), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Project #24-21 Replacement of Three (3) Pedestrian Bridges, in the amount of $10,000.00.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 13 (Inv 55401), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Project #23-71 Emergency Repair of 96” Storm Sewer at Buffalo Mall Area, in the amount of $7,255.00.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 14 (Inv 55443), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Water Treatment Plant Lime Sludge Filter Press Replacement Procurement & Installation Contracts, in the amount of $52,044.25.
Resolution to approve Payment No. 350 (Inv 55404), in the amount of $8,673.28, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows:
(General), in the amount of $5,415.00;
(Streets), in the amount of $125.00;
(Sewer), in the amount of $250.00;
(Water), in the amount of $2,383.28;
(Storm Water), in the amount of $500.00.
Resolution to allow the August indebtedness in the amount of $6,704,654.33 consisting of $650,670.46 payroll and $6,053,983.87 general obligations.
Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Consent Roll Call No. 1 showed: 4 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent, 1 vacant. Carried.

Zoning Administrator Blackmore and Dale Fettig provided information relating to the Future Land Use Amendment and potential zone change for Block 1, Lot 3 of Emter Addition, City of Jamestown, Stutsman County, North Dakota from Civic and Institutional use to Commercial use. The property is located at 101 17th St SE, Jamestown, North Dakota. Zoning Administrator Blackmore will work with the City Attorney’s office and return the item to the City Council at a later date. No action was taken.
Council Member Kamlitz moved to appoint Denise Waldie to serve as a joint member of the James River Valley Library System Board to fill a three-year term to expire in July 2027. Seconded by Council Member Steele. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.

Mayor Heinrich stated the Red River Valley Water Supply Project item will be moved to the October City Council meeting. Council Member Schloegel moved a Resolution to approve the ND Department of Emergency Services Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) application for a permanent generator at the Porter Brothers booster station at a total cost of $248,614, which includes a 15% local City match of $37,292.10. Seconded by Council Member Kamlitz. Daniel Schwartz, President of Nexus Planning & Consulting LLC, provided information. Roll Call No. 2 showed: 4 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent, 1 vacant. Carried.
Council Member Kamlitz moved a Resolution to approve the City of Jamestown to join the City of Minot and the City of Bismarck to establish a CO2 stabilizer storage facility in Bismarck and the project to be paid for with Municipal Infrastructure funds. Seconded by Council Member Steele. City Engineer Dillman provided information. Roll Call No. 3 showed: 4 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent, 1 vacant. Carried.

City Attorney Ryan informed the Council that after further review, the RTS Shearing demolition bid does contain a fatal flaw and cannot be opened. Council Member Steele moved a Resolution to award the bid for the demolition of city building at 1100 Railroad Drive to Junkman & Son in the amount of $140,500. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Roll Call No. 4 showed: 4 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent, 1 vacant. Carried.

Council Member Steele moved to adjourn at 5:58 P.M. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Deputy Auditor/HRO Mayor