Jamestown – Police & Fire Committee & Public Works Committee November 21, 2024, Minutes
Present: Heinrich, Kamlitz, Phillips, Schloegel, Steele, Geroux, Hellekson, Blackmore, Dillman, Edinger,
Hazer, Laber, O’Neill, Reuther, Rowell, Stroh and Sveum.
Chair Kamlitz convened the meeting at 4:00 p.m.
Chief Reuther provided a Fire Department update.
Heinrich moved to recommend the City Council approve the quotes to purchase two (2) budgeted police vehicles from the 2025 budget from RM Stoudt for a Dodge Durango RT (Unit 176) in the amount of $26,780 from the Equipment Replacement Fund and $33,220 from the General Fund, and a Ford Interceptor (Unit 172) in the amount of $38,870 from the Equipment Replacement Fund and $21,130 from the General Fund. Seconded by Phillips. Chief Edinger provided information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Chief Edinger provided a Police Department update.
Chair Kamlitz adjourned the meeting at 4:18 p.m.
Chair Steele convened the meeting at 4:18 p.m.
Phillips moved to recommend the City Council approve the Notice of Intent to File an Application with the State Water Commission for the Cost-Share/Web grant application, and to authorize the Mayor to sign the cover letter relative to the 2025 Water Main Improvement District #25-61. Seconded by Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Kamlitz moved to recommend the City Council concur with NDDOT to award the bid from Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation for the ND DOT Project NHU-SU-2-020(028)000, PCN 24232-Jamestown, ND 20; US 52 to 12th Ave NE in the amount of $308,522.04 with the estimated City share of $2,311.25. Seconded by Phillips. City Engineer Dillman provided information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Phillips moved to recommend the City Council approve Change Order No. 2 for the 2023 Water Main
Replacement Project for Scherbenske Inc. for a net increase of $37,578.38. Seconded by Schloegel. City
Engineer Dillman provided information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Kamlitz moved to recommend the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 for an additional $104,225, and Change Order No. 2 for a decrease of $211,306.08, Phase II of the 96” STS Improvement Project for CC Steel. These two change orders result in a net decrease of $107,081.08. Seconded by Phillips. City Engineer Dillman provided information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Schloegel moved to forward to the City Council, without recommendation, the 2026-2029 State
Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). Seconded by Heinrich. City Engineer Dillman provided
information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Phillips moved to recommend the City Council approve the quotes for 2025 Chemicals for the City of
Jamestown water treatment and wastewater collection and treatment as presented. Seconded by Kamlitz. Water Superintendent Rowell provided information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Kamlitz moved to recommend the City Council approve the quote from Kotaco for 2025 Hydrocarbons for the City of Jamestown Operational Programs and Jamestown Park District Operational Programs. Seconded by Phillips. Water Superintendent Rowell provided information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Heinrich moved to recommend the City Council approve the following for 2025 Seal Coat, Patching,
Construction & Reconstruction District 25-41:
a. To approve the preliminary engineering report on the district.
b. To declare it necessary to construct the district and direct the City Administrator to publish
notice of a public hearing concerning the district.
Seconded by Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Phillips moved to recommend the City Council award the bid for the Water Treatment Lime Sludge Filter Press Replacement Equipment Procurement and Installation to Key Contracting Inc., in the amount of
$1,760,000 and that the award is contingent upon NDDEQ approval. Seconded by Schloegel. City Engineer Dillman and Assistant City Attorney Geroux provided information. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
INFORMATIONAL: City Staff is working on completing a grant application for 2024 State and Local
Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) through the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services.
City Engineer Dillman reviewed the project updates.
City Sanitation Foreman O’Neill provided an update.
Chair Steele adjourned the meeting at 5:05 p.m.
Sarah Hellekson, City Administrator
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