The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Heinrich at 5:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.
Roll Call showed the following members present: Mayor Heinrich, Council Members Kamlitz, Phillips,
Schloegel, Steele, Assistant City Attorney Geroux, and City Administrator Hellekson.
Council Member Phillips moved to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting, January 6, 2025,
special city council meeting January 23, 2025, and the committee meetings January 21, 2025, and January
23, 2025. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Council Member Steele moved to approve the following consent agenda items:
A. Resolution to approve the 2024 abatement application for a property located at 403 26th St SW,
Jamestown, ND 58401.
B. Resolution to approve the request from the JSDC for $214,285.74 PACE Funding for Mid Mach
Marketing, LLC., $42,857.15 (20%) to be paid by the City from the City Sales Tax Fund and
$171,428.59 (80%) from the County.
C. Resolution to approve the request from JSDC for 2025 South Central Dakota Regional Council Dues
from Economic Development Funds, in the amount of $36,458.00, with the City Share to be
$22,968.54 and paid from the City Sales Tax Fund.
D. Resolution to approve the JSDC request for $35,000 funding for James Valley Career and Tech
Center (JVCTC), $28,000 (80%) to be paid by the City from the City Sales Tax Fund and $7,000
(20%) from the County.
E. Resolution to approve re-establishing the sale prices on city-owned lots for the year 2025.
F. Resolution to approve eliminating the administrative fee on the security fee for events.
G. Resolution to approve the development proposal for the purchase and development of Block 2, Lot 1
Harold P. Bensch Addition and to direct city attorney to draft a purchase agreement.
H. Resolution to direct the city attorney to draft an agreement between Jamestown Frontier Attractions
and City of Jamestown for the management of the city-owned Frontier Village.
I. Resolution to approve the Future Land Use Plan amendment for Lot 4 of Court House Square
Addition, City of Jamestown, Stutsman County, North Dakota from Urban Residential to
Commercial. This property is located at 1017 5th St SE, Jamestown, North Dakota.
J. Resolution to approve the updated 2025 Jamestown Airport Aircraft Rescue Firefighters (AARF)
Agreement between the City and the Jamestown Regional Airport Authority and authorize the
Mayor and City Administrator to sign the agreement.
K. Resolution to approve the specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for 2025 budgeted
Solid Waste Front End Loader.
L. Resolution to approve the quote from Wilhelm Chevrolet GMC in the amount of $41,246 for the
2025 budgeted pickup truck for Water Department to replace unit #43 with $28,000 from the
Equipment Replacement Fund and $13,246 from the Water Department Fund.
M. Resolution to approve the quote from Wilhelm Chevrolet GMC in the amount of $43,987 less
$4,500 trade for the 2025 budgeted pickup truck for Solid Waste Department to replace unit SW03
with funds from the Solid Waste Fund.
N. Resolution to approve the Sourcewell quote, in the amount of $421,336 for the 2025 budgeted
automated pickup garbage truck for the Solid Waste Department to replace unit SW13 with $304,280
from the Equipment Replacement Fund and $117,056 from the Sanitation Fund.
O. Resolution to approve Change Order No. 1 from Ferguson Waterworks for the Water Meter Project
to perform additional outreach for water meter installations for a net increase of $3,405.75.
P. Resolution to approve the following for 2025 Seal Coat, Patching, Construction & Reconstruction
District 25-41:
a. To direct the preparation of detailed plans and specifications for the construction of the
Q. Resolution to approve the following for 2025 Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter District 25-11:
a. To accept and approve the plans and specifications, as prepared by the City Engineer, for
the construction of the district; and
b. To direct the City Administrator to advertise for bids for the construction of the district.
R. Resolution to approve Payment No. 6, to Ferguson Waterworks, for construction on the Water Meter
Replacement Program Project #24-61, in the amount of $414,395.00.
S. Resolution to approve Payment No. 8, to Scherbenske, Inc., for construction on the 2023 Water
Main Improvements District 23-61, in the amount of $60,839.75.
T. Resolution to approve Payment No. 11 (Inv 99955), to AE2S, LLC, for Water & Sewer Instrument
& Control Panel Upgrades Project #24-62, in the amount of $18,272.62.
U. Resolution to approve Payment No. 12 (Inv 08387.10-12), to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for 2024
Jamestown Planning and Zoning Technical Services, in the amount of $500.94.
V. Resolution to approve Payment No. 121 (Inv 100131), to AE2S, LLC, for On Call engineering
services (I&C Water) for a total amount of $10,842.74.
W. Resolution to approve Payment No. 9 (Inv 56916), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services on Project #24-72 McElroy Sanitary Forcemain Relocation, in the amount of $1,681.44.
X. Resolution to approve Payment No. 10 (Inv 56917), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services on New Inert Landfill Cell, in the amount of $585.00.
Y. Resolution to approve Payment No. 11 (Inv 56918), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services on Project #24-71 Phase II of 96” Storm Sewer Improvement Repair, in the amount of
Z. Resolution to approve Payment No. 12 (Inv 56921-FINAL), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for
engineering services on Project #23-42 12th Ave SE, in the amount of $8,047.50.
AA. Resolution to approve Payment No. 13 (Inv 56920), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services on Project #24-61 Radio Read Water Meters, in the amount of $8,022.38.
BB. Resolution to approve Payment No. 16 (Inv 56915), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services for 2023 Water Main Improvement District #23-61, in the amount of $4,049.25.
CC. Resolution to approve Payment No. 355 (Inv 56849), in the amount of $8,182.22, to Interstate
Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows:
a. (General), in the amount of $1,375.00;
b. (Streets), in the amount of $1,347.22;
c. (Solid Waste), in the amount of $5,460.00.
DD. Resolution to approve Payment No. 356 (Inv 56919), in the amount of $9,937.50, to Interstate
Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows:
a) (General), in the amount of $2,250.00;
b) (Streets), in the amount of $580.00;
c) (Water), in the amount of $895.00;
d) (Solid Waste), in the amount of $5,337.50;
e) (Storm Water), in the amount of $875.00.
EE. Resolution to allow the January indebtedness in the amount of $4,352,821.39 consisting of
$666,974.00 payroll and $3,685,847.39 general obligations.
Seconded by Council Member Phillips. Consent Roll Call No. 1 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.
A public hearing was held concerning 2025 Seal Coat, Patching, Construction and Reconstruction
District #25-41 protests and the sufficiency thereof. No one appeared to object, and no written protests
were received. The hearing was closed.
Council Member Kamlitz moved a resolution that the protests have been found to be insufficient
to bar proceeding with the 2025 Seal Coat, Patching, Construction and Reconstruction District

25-41. Seconded by Council Member Phillips. Roll Call No. 2 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0

absent. Carried.
Council Member Steele moved a resolution to authorize the City Engineer to develop detailed plans,
specifications and estimates for the 2025 Seal Coat, Patching, Construction and Reconstruction District

25-41. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Roll Call No. 3 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.

Council Member Kamlitz moved to introduce the first reading of an ordinance to amend and reenact Ordinance No. 1556 of the City Code by amending the District Map to change the zoning
of Court House Square Addition, E half of Court House Square Less Lots to Berndt and St Plus
All Vac 11th Ave, Court House Square Addition, Lot 4, City of Jamestown, Stutsman County,
North Dakota from R-2-A (One to Twelve Family Residential District) to C-2 (General
Commercial District). The property is located at 1016 4th St SE and 1017 5
th St SE, Jamestown,
North Dakota.
Council Member Schloegel moved to introduce the first reading of an ordinance to amend Section 13-1,
of the City Code, relating to precincts.
A public hearing was held concerning amending Ordinance 1579 relating to Publicly Owned Treatment
Works (POTW) and the creation of a Pretreatment Program. No one appeared to object, and no written
protests were received. The hearing was closed.
Council Member Steele moved a Resolution to amend Ordinance 1579 relating to Publicly Owned
Treatment Works (POTW) and the creation of a Pretreatment Program. Seconded by Council Member
Kamlitz. Roll Call No. 4 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.
A public hearing was held concerning amending and re-enacting Ordinance No. 1556 of the City Code
by amending the District Map to change the zoning of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 7 of Dunstan’s Addition,
Jamestown, North Dakota from M-1 (Limited Industrial and Manufacturing District) to R-1 (One-Family
Residential District). The property is located at 519 12th Ave SE, Jamestown, North Dakota. No one
appeared to object, and no written protests were received. The hearing was closed.
Council Member Schloegel moved a Resolution to amend and re-enact Ordinance No. 1556 of the City
Code by amending the District Map to change the zoning of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 7 of Dunstan’s Addition,
Jamestown, North Dakota from M-1 (Limited Industrial and Manufacturing District) to R-1 (One-Family
Residential District). The property is located at 519 12th Ave SE, Jamestown, North Dakota. Seconded by
Council Member Phillips. Roll Call No. 5 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.
A public hearing was held concerning amending and re-enacting Ordinance No. 1556 of the City Code
by amending the District Map to change the zoning of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 of Harold P. Bensch
Addition, being within the City of Jamestown, Midway Township, Stutsman County, North Dakota and
Lot 1, Block 2 of Harold P. Bensch Addition, being within the City of Jamestown, Midway Township,
Stutsman County, North Dakota from M-2 (General Industrial and Manufacturing District) to C-2
(General Commercial District). The properties are located at 301, 401 and 402 11th Ave SE, Jamestown,
North Dakota. No one appeared to object, and no written protests were received. The hearing was
Council Member Phillips moved a Resolution to amend and re-enact Ordinance No. 1556 of the City Code
by amending the District Map to change the zoning of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 of Harold P. Bensch
Addition, being within the City of Jamestown, Midway Township, Stutsman County, North Dakota and Lot
1, Block 2 of Harold P. Bensch Addition, being within the City of Jamestown, Midway Township, Stutsman
County, North Dakota from M-2 (General Industrial and Manufacturing District) to C-2 (General
Commercial District). The properties are located at 301, 401 & 402 11th Ave SE, Jamestown, North Dakota.
Seconded by Council Member Steele. Roll Call No. 6 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.
Council Member Schloegel moved to appoint George Barnes to serve as a member of the ND
Cares Steering Committee to fill a five-year term to expire in February 2030. Seconded by
Council Member Phillips. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
Council Member Kamlitz moved to appoint Pam Phillips to serve as a member of the Law
Enforcement Center Governing Board to fill an unexpired four-year term to expire in December

  1. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
    Council Member Kamlitz moved a Resolution to approve participation in the Red River Valley Water
    Supply Project at 11 c.f.s. (cubic feet per second) for industrial water only and authorize the Mayor to
    sign the Memorandum of Commitment and Nomination Agreement. Seconded by Council Member
    Phillips. Duane DeKrey, General Manager of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy, and Steve Burian,
    CEO of Burian Associates provided information. Mr. Burian indicated the City could reduce the
    nomination or withdraw before the first payment is due in 2028. Mr Burian stated that Grand Forks and
    Fargo will take any nominations if an entity leaves the LAWA. Council Members discussed that the
    City has until 2028 to decide whether to fund and stay, reduce c.f.s., or leave. Call No. 7 showed: 5
    ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried
    Council Member Kamlitz moved a Resolution to approve the Joint Powers Agreement with the cities of
    Bismarck and Minot for Regional Carbon Injection for Drinking Equilibrium Regulation Storage
    (CIDERS) Facility and authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign the agreement. Seconded by
    Council Member Steele. Roll Call No. 8 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried
    Council Member Steele moved a Resolution to accept the city assessor’s recommendation to keep the
    2024 assessment of $68,255 for the property located at 1406 11th Ave NE, Jamestown, ND 58401.
    Seconded by Council Member Phillips. City Assessor Stroh provided information. Roll Call No. 9
    showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried
    Council Member Kamlitz moved a Resolution to approve the 2024 abatement application for the
    property at 1307 12th Ave NE, Jamestown, ND 58401, at a true and full value of $861,745. Seconded by
    Council Member Schloegel. City Assessor Stroh provided information. Roll Call No. 10 showed: 5
    ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried
    Council Member Schloegel moved a Resolution to approve construction options relating to the NDDOT
    Urban Reconstruction Project 2-052(050)266 PCN23630 (West Business Loop Reconstruction Project)
    and authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign the document. Seconded by Council Member
    Kamlitz. Public Works Director Michel and Fire Chief Reuther provided information. Roll Call No. 11
    showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried
    Council Member Steele moved a Resolution to approve the request from Jamestown El Zagal Shrine
    Circus to be recognized as an other public spirited organization and to authorize the issuance of a raffle
    permit. Seconded by Council Member Phillips. Roll Call No. 12 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.
    Council Member Phillips moved to adjourn at 6:26 P.M. Seconded by Council Member Kamlitz.
    Unanimous aye vote. Carried.
    City Administrator Mayor