The Police Dept wants to notify residents regarding a new high risk sex offender who is residing within the city of Jamestown.

Name:              Andres Moses Renteria                                         

Address:          1610 Business Loop E #8   Riverside Motel #8   Jamestown, ND 58401 

Vehicles:          None

Age:                 30                                                                                           

Sex:                 Male

Race:               American Indian

Height:             5’08”

Weight:            220     

Eyes:                Brown

Hair:                Black

Mr.Renteria has been assigned a high-risk assessment by the North Dakota risk level committee, Office of the Attorney General.

Offense: Gross Sexual Imposition – while intoxicated, 22-year-old Renteria entered the bedroom of a 14-year-old female where he performed oral sex on the victim, digitally penetrated her vagina and engaged in penile/vaginal intercourse.

Conviction Date: 06/13/2017 in Burleigh County District Court.

Disposition: 20 years; 10 years suspended for 10 years; 132 days credit; 10 years supervised probation.

Renteria is not wanted by police at this time and has served the sentence imposed by the court.  This notification is meant for public safety and not to increase fear in the community, nor should this information be used to threaten, assault, or intimidate the offender.  Attempts to harass, intimidate or threaten these offenders or their families, landlords, or employers will be turned over for prosecution.

More information on registered offenders is available on the Attorney General’s website at