BISMARCK, N.D. (FEB. 12, 2025) – Gov. Kelly Armstrong today congratulated state Superintendent of Public Instruction Kirsten Baesler on her nomination to serve as Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education in the U.S. Department of Education.

Baesler has served as the state school superintendent and administrator of the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction since January 2013 and was re-elected to a four-year term in November 2024. She plans to continue serving in the role until being confirmed for the Department of Education position.

In addition to her 12 years as state superintendent, Baesler served for 24 years in the Bismarck Public Schools system as a classroom teacher, instructional aide, library media specialist and vice principal, as well as nine years on the Mandan School Board.

“Superintendent Baesler has the background and experience needed to bring North Dakota common sense to the U.S. Department of Education,” Armstrong said. “She understands that decisions affecting local schools are best left to local school districts, with guidance from the state and limited involvement from the federal government. We wish her all the best in D.C. and look forward to working with her to support 21st century learning environments that engage students, expand educational opportunities and empower parents.”

Per state law, once Baesler is confirmed and resigns as state superintendent, Armstrong will appoint a replacement to serve in the role until the next regularly scheduled general election in November 2026.