TalkingTrailsBufMuseumJamestown (CSi) The Jamestown Tourism Board of Directors has learned that professional voices and revisions were the remaining barriers to completing a project that will bring 70 audio stories via smartphone app to various heritage sites later this summer.

The board agreed with Shawn Brannan on Monday that the professional male voice for the Talking Trail project was good but the delivery was flat. Brannan said he and technology partner Marlo Anderson would be re-recording some of the stories to add more inflexion and are seeking a female voice for some of the sites.

A Jamestown Tourism summer staff member and a student at University of Jamestown, Katianne Brockpahler, is working with board member Liz Hunt to develop historic stories for Talking Trail.

The website will have photo icons with a GPS link to each location, Brannan said. The website won’t provide the total narrative a potential visitor would receive by visiting the site but will offer enough information to know what the interest is in the site.

Tourism Director Searle Swedlund said, Interstate Engineering reports that the World’s Largest Buffalo monument could withstand the weight of one more coat of paint before the weight could threaten the structure. An optional quote is to remove nine layers of paint and start fresh with water tower quality paint.

Swedlund said the board should start the conversation about possibly moving the Jamestown Tourism office, rebuilding or partnering with another business or agency to share space. He suggested a third staff member and said the Jamestown Tourism drop-in center and the office did not necessarily need to be in the same location.

Board President Mitzi Hager said the basement in Jamestown City Hall has a lot of room and the board should consider asking the city about that space.