cainebarbJamestown  (CSi)  How to begin Your Genealogy is the topic of the Friends of the James River Valley Library System adult program on Tuesday November 15, 2016, at 6-p.m., at the Stutsman County Library, at 910 5th Street, Southeast.

Catered by Jonny B’s Brickhouse.

Taught by Barb Gillis Caine,  the class goals include:

  1. Define genealogy, its purpose and its importance.
  2. Define sources, both primary and secondary, where to find them, and how to cite these
  3. Provide instructions on how to fill out genealogy forms correctly and how to keep proper
  4. Define online and off line resources and how to use


Barb discovered her love for family history at her great-grandmother’s knee. An education major, she is on staff at JRVLS where she serves as a reference specialist and assists genealogy patrons.

Ms. Gillis Caine has traced her lineage from Edward Fuller, a Mayflower Passenger. Her special interest is online genealogy, as well as Canadian and Irish sources.

Please Pre-Register by calling 701-252-2217, or register on line