Daddy’s Girl by Gary Ray Stapp, 6pm January 11, 12, & 13
at The Jamestown Arts Center,
perfomed by the 2nd ACT, community theater group.In this hilarious comedy, you’ll meet Benard Muloovy, proprietor of Maudie’s Diner, the most no-nonsense cook you’ve ever met. Bernard gets served a full plate of comic chaos when his deceased wife decides to take up residence as a talking portrait on the diner wall. Enlisting the services of an angel, Michael, Maudie hopes to reunite Benard with their long lost daughter, Elizabeth. True to his mischievous nature, Michael delivers two Elizabeths, and Benard’s task is to decide which young woman is his real daughter.This play comes fully seasoned with characters like E.L.—a snobbish restaurant critic after Benard’s secret recipe, Lizzy – a girl with a split personality, a forgetful waitress, a PhD student with communication problems, a yin-yang geriatric duo, a motorcycle mama, and of course Darlynn, the woman who has been trying to get Benard to the altar for years, because who doesn’t want a second helping of happiness? In this contest of laughter and tears, lines are drawn, sides are taken, and rules are broken as one young lady reveals a secret and ultimately claims her paternity, but not without a twist… or two.Advance tickets are required.   $35 per ticket for non Arts Center members and $30  members.
Call 701-251-2496 or reserve online