This Day In History, February 23, 1908 – Fire breaks out at NP roundhouse . . . .  from the 125th Anniversary Calendar of Jamestown History. 

An immense crowd watches fire gut the middle section of the Northern Pacific roundhouse in 1908. It was reported that the roundhouse and machine shop were damaged by the fire with costs running up to $25,000. It is reported that the structures will be rebuilt.

Information above  from The Railway and Engineering Review, Volume 48 and  The Improvement Bulletin, Volume 36

1712, Feb 26, 1908, Jamestown, N.D. Northern Pacific Railroad Company,
roundhouse. Damage, $25,000.  In todays amount that would be $730,460.36 .

Six stalls in the roundhouse, workshop, boiler room and smithy were burned
by the fire at Jamestown, N.D. (No. 1712). It was caused by by, an explosion
of a lamp in the fan room. Brick firewalls in the roundhouse helped to stop
the progress of the fire. Private fire apparatus used with used with good effects,
though firemen were somewhat handicapped by the location of the fire pumps

information above from Insurance Engineering Public Safety 1908 , Volume 15