Jamestown   (CSi)  The Jamestown  Public School Board will hold a special meeting on July 24th, concerning  a $34 million school bond referendum.

At Monday’s school board meeting, on an 8-0 vote the school board approved holding the meeting at 5:15-p.m., at the  Jamestown Middle School, Vondergeest Room.

Board member Jennifer Schmidt was not present.

Under consideration will be  addition and renovation projects on four elementary schools and the middle school.

Included in the proposal is moving the football field from Washington School, to the high school including  a $7.5 million turf field and track, seating and a fieldhouse shared with the soccer fields.

The plans include  $9.7 million in heating, ventilation and air conditioning at selected schools, and an $8.7 million addition that would double the size of Louis L’Amour Elementary, that would allow  the closure of Washington School.

If the referendum passes, Washington School would be sold and the school board would decide either  pay down the bond, or fund other priorities.

Superintendent Robert Lech says, the projects are needed to attract and retain students and be a school of choice.’

The meeting was recorded by CSi 10 The Replay Channel with showings starting Tuesday.