A recall has been issued for store-brand infants’ ibuprofen sold at Walmart, CVS and Family Dollar locations nationwide.

The affected products were sold at Walmart, CVS and Family Dollar under store-brand names

Walmart: Equate: Infants’ Ibuprofen Concentrated Oral Suspension with lot numbers 00717009A, 00717015A, 00717024A with expiration dates of 2/19 and 4/19.


NJ.com reports New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company Tris Pharma announced Wednesday that three lots of its “Infants’ Ibuprofen Concentrated Oral Suspension, USP (NSAID)” have been found to possibly contain higher amounts of ibuprofen than shown on the label. Half-ounce bottles of the liquid ibuprofen are supposed to contain 50 mg per 1.25 mL of the pain-reliever/fever-reducer medication.

“There is a remote possibility that infants, who may be more susceptible to a higher potency level of drug, and therefore may be more vulnerable to permanent NSAID-associated renal injury,” the company said in a statement. “Adverse effects that may be experienced are nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, or more rarely, diarrhea. Tinnitus, headache and gastrointestinal bleeding are also possible adverse effects.”

According to ABC, no illnesses or “adverse events” have been reported, but the company issued a voluntary recall out of an abundance of caution.