The Jamestown City Planning Commission  met September 9, 2019 – 8:00 a.m., at City Hall.

Present: Paulson, Ostlie, Frye, Hillerud, Trautman, Bensch, Bayer
Absent: Ritter, Rath
1. Chairman Hillerud opened the meeting. Commission member Frye made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 12, 2019 Planning Commission meeting. Seconded by Commission member Trautman. Unanimous aye vote. Motion Carried.
2. Public Hearing: The Minor Subdivision, Preliminary/Final plat – Fallgatter Addition
The Minor Subdivision, Preliminary/Final plat of Fallgatter Addition, Lot 1 and 2, Block 1, a re-plat of Lots 5,6,7 & 8, Block 3, Leapaldt Addition within the SE ¼, Section 24, T140N, R64W, City of Jamestown, ND. The property is located at 1507 – 1517 12th Ave NE, Jamestown, ND.
Tim Magnusson, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. gave the staff report via video conference. The applicant is requesting to replat 4 existing lots into 2 new lots to allow for development of a new building complex. The two lots created will be approximately .89 acres each for a total of 1.78 acres. The site is zoned C-2 (General Commercial District). The proposed addition is serviced by City utilities and there are 10’ utility easements provided along the north, east & south property lines as required by ordinance. A 5’ utility easement was proposed and approved by the City Engineer along the western property line along the alley ROW. Primary access will be from 16th St NE along the northern edge of the property. Traffic impacts are not known at this time but should be reviewed as part of the development process. A stormwater drainage plan has been submitted to the City Engineer’s office. All required items for a minor subdivision have been received and the application is considered complete.
Chairman Hillerud asked the Commission if there were any concerns or questions. There being none,
Chairman Hillerud opened the public hearing. No one appeared. Chairman Hillerud closed the public hearing.
Commission member Trautman made a motion to accept the findings of staff for the minor subdivision and approve the Preliminary and Final Plat for the Fallgatter Addition and to forward these findings to the City Council. Seconded by Commission member Paulson. Roll Call. Unanimous aye vote. Motion Carried.
3. Chairman Hillerud mentioned there are three new plats coming in for next month’s hearing on October 14, 2019.
4. Adjournment – Commission member Frye made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commission member Trautman. Meeting Adjourned.