Jamestown  (CSi)  The Jamestown City Council met in Special Session Monday evening at City Hall, to discuss action relative to anticipated reservoir releases.  All members were present.

Deputy City Auditor Jay Sveum was subbing for City Administrator, Sarah Helleckson.

Before the meeting, Mayor Dwaine Heinrich said, during recent conference calls, the city has been in communications with The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the State Department of Emergency Service the State of South Dakota, and  the City of LaMoure.

He added that engineers are working on flood mitigation measures, saying volunteers will be needed for possible sandbagging, and dikeing, for the safety of the public, property, and city infrastructure.

He said a fall flood event allows easier access to the river, than in the spring, when the frozen ground creates sloppy, muddy conditions.

He said as of Monday the combined releases from Jamestown and Pipestem Dams was at 1800 cfs. Jamestown Dam is releasing 1000 cfs and Pipestem Dam is releasing 800 cfs

At the Meeting, The City Council unanimously passed a Resolution to ratify the Mayor’s Emergency Declaration and extend the declaration and agree to be the designated project sponsor for the duration of the at least minimal flood event.

Heinrich said a Public meeting is scheduled to held this week, with various agencies with additional planning and mitigation information.

CSiNewsNow.Com was informed that expected at that meeting Wednesday October 16, at 5:30-p.m., in the City Hall, lower level meeting room, is representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from Omaha, The National Weather Service, and the city’s engineering firm, Interstate Engineering, along with Stutsman County Emergency Management.   More official information on the notification of the meeting is forthcoming.