Jamestown (CVHD)  Central Valley Health District this week will have COVID-19 Testing at the Jamestown Civic Center Monday May 24 and Friday May 28 from 11-a.m. to 12 noon using the Rapid Testing BinaxNow.

By screening with rapid antigen tests, event attendees will be able to receive their test results within 15 minutes via text notification. The test also is less invasive than a PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) test in that it uses a nasal swab to collect a sample from the lower part of the nostril.

If a person tests positive, they should isolate at home immediately and a case investigator will be in touch with them within 24 hours. If the screening yields a negative result, individuals should continue to monitor for symptoms.

Interested individuals should fill out an online survey at testreg.nd.gov for faster registration.

For more information about rapid antigen tests and North Dakota’s screening strategies, visit https://www.health.nd.gov/rapid-antigen-screening