CSi Weather…from staff meteorologist Steve Root…


.Much of central North Dakota, including the James River

Total snow accumulations of one to five
inches with the highest amounts in the Turtle Mountains. Winds
gusting as high as 50 mph in south central North Dakota. Wind
chills as low as 35 below zero.  The hazardous conditions will impact the Tuesday evening commute.

FROM NOON TUESDAY TO 6 PM CST WEDNESDAY…Valley City, Portions of northeast North Dakota.

Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph.

.Plan on slippery road conditions. Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Near blizzard conditions are possible across portions of eastern North Dakota. The hazardous conditions will impact the evening commute.


Slow down and use caution while traveling.

The latest road conditions for North Dakota can be found at
dot.nd.gov/travel and for Minnesota at 511mn.org, or by calling
5 1 1 in either state.



.TODAY…Cloudy. Patchy fog this morning. Blowing and drifting

snow in the afternoon. Snow likely in the afternoon. Snow

accumulation around 1 inch. Highs 5 to 10 above. Northeast winds

10 to 15 mph increasing to north 20 to 25 mph in the afternoon.

Chance of snow 60 percent in the Jamestown area, 70 percent in the Valley City area.


.TONIGHT…Cloudy. Snow likely in the evening, then slight chance

of snow after midnight. Blowing and drifting snow through the

night. Windy. Snow accumulation around 1 -2 inches. Storm total around

2 inches. Lows around 5 below. Northwest winds 25 to 30 mph.

Chance of snow 60 percent in the Jamestown area, 70 percent in the Valley City area. Wind chills around 30 below.


.WEDNESDAY…Mostly cloudy. Areas of blowing and drifting snow.

Highs near zero. Northwest winds 20 to 25 mph. Wind chills around

30 below.



The latest weather here on csi cable 2 and at csinewsnow.com along with the latest rad repts.


Some of the stories we’ll be covering after the interview portion of the show..

The North Dakota Highway patrol reports,  a one vehicle rollover occurred Monday about 10-a.m. on I-94 at Valley City.

COVID 19 stats..plus new information from the FDA on vaccinations for young people..

The latest message from VC Mayor Dave Carlsrud.

The Jamestown City Council has approved the city becoming a ND Cares City

Jamestown Mayor Dwaine Heinrich says city officials are reviewing the massive Jamestown snow removal from the week of December 28, 2021.

Jmst’s New Year’s Baby has been announced.

A Carrington, man has announced his candidacy for the primary election in the Senate for District 29 in North Dakota.

— The final 2021 report on a monthly survey of business leaders in nine Midwest and Plains states

In sports…

High School boy’s and girl’s basketball result… along with NFL Monday Night Football… and NBA and nhl scores…

UNDATED (AP) — A contingency plan is in place for the FCS championship game if Montana State or North Dakota State are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic


The NFl has announced game schedule changes

Men’s college BB Poll


In world and national news..

Update on wintry weather across the U.S

Investigators looking for the cause of the Colorado wildfire that destroyed nearly 1,000 homes and buildings have narrowed their search

AT&T and Verizon say they will delay new 5G wireless service for two weeks, putting off a planned start this Wednesday

Those and other stories…csi cable viewing reminders the community calendar and school news…plus the Jmst area chamber of commerce updated report after the interview portion of the show…



Valley City  (CSi) The North Dakota Highway patrol reports,  a one vehicle rollover occurred Monday about 10-a.m. on I-94 at Valley City.

The driver was merging onto I-94 from exit 292, when the vehicle hit an icy spot, rolling the vehicle which landed on it’s top. The operator  was transported to Mercy Hospital for treatment of non-life threatening injuries and released.

The North Dakota Highway Patrol was assisted by Valley City Police and  the Barnes County Sheriff’s Office.


The North Dakota Department of Health dashboard is updated daily by 11 am and includes cases reported through the previous day. The investigations are ongoing and information on the website is likely to change as cases are investigated. The information contained in this dashboard is the most up to date and will be different than previous news releases. This dashboard supersedes information from previous news releases or social media postings.

Check out our other dashboards: The COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard, NDUS Dashboard.


Mon. Jan 3, 2022

10:20 -a.m.


New Positives: 3

Total Positives: 2237

Active: 12

Recovered: 2164

Breakthrough Incidents Per 10K Fully Vaccinated Individuals: 440



New Positives: 9

Total Positives: 5186

Active: 31

Recovered: 5024

Breakthrough Incidents Per 10K Fully Vaccinated Individuals: 476

Jamestown  (CVHD)  Central Valley Health District reminds residents that COVID testing is  on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, at the Jamestown Civic Center, Exchequor Room, from 11-a.m. to 1-pm.

Call CVHD at 701-252-8130 to register.


(AP)  The U.S. is expanding COVID-19 boosters as it confronts the omicron surge. The Food and Drug Administration on Monday allowed extra Pfizer shots for children as young as 12. Boosters already are recommended for everyone 16 and older, and the FDA says they’re also warranted for 12- to 15-year-olds. The FDA also said everyone eligible for a booster can get one as early as five months after their last dose rather than six months. But the move, coming as classes restart after the holidays, isn’t the final step. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must decide whether to recommend boosters for the younger teens.




Jamestown (CSi)  The Jamestown City Council met in Regular Session Monday evening at City Hall.  All members were present.



CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: Approved as printed



Approved a Resolution designating a local North Dakota Cares steering committee for the Jamestown community per the October 2018 City Council resolution, to help improve understanding of the needs and services for military service members, veterans, and their families.  The local ND Cares  steering committee will be made up of community members.  North Dakota Army National Guard members presented, a sign  “ND Cares,” designating Jamestown as a North Dakota Cares City.  The program was started by then Governor Jack Dalrymple, and is carried on by Governor Doug Burgum.

The City may participate in military culture training at no cost.

Employer Support to the Guard and Reserve information is also available.

Fund raisers may also be held to support ND Cares.



A PUBLIC HEARING was held concerning an ordinance for the franchise agreement for a proposed non-exclusive franchise in the city with Midcontinent Communications.  No one spoke.

Following the Public Hearing, SECOND READING: of an Ordinance, for the franchise agreement for a proposed non-exclusive franchise in the city with Midcontinent Communications for the right to construct, maintain, and operate within and upon, in and under, the streets, alleys, and public grounds of the city, a telecommunication system for public and private use in the city.  The geographical coverage of each of the franchise agreements was presented toeach business, and was approved.


Another SECOND READING: of an Ordinance for the franchise agreement for a proposed non-exclusive franchise in the city with Daktel Communications for the right to construct, maintain, and operate within and upon, in and under, the streets, alleys, and public grounds of the city, a telecommunication system for public and private use in the city.


Another SECOND READING: of an Ordinance for the franchise agreement for a proposed non-exclusive franchise in the city with Cable Services Inc. (CSi) for the right to construct, maintain, and operate within and upon, in and under, the streets, alleys, and public grounds of the city, a telecommunication system for public and private use in the city.

Each Second Reading was approved by the City Council.


A PUBLIC HEARING was held concerning an ordinance to amend and re-enact Ordinance No. 329 of the City Code by amending the District Map to change the zoning of the South One-Half (S ½) of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 139 North, Range 64 West of the Fifth P.M., except that portion thereof presently existing as highway right of way, City of Jamestown, Stutsman County, North Dakota from C-2 & Ag (General Commercial District & Agricultural District) to M-1 (Limited Industrial and Manufacturing District). The property is located at 3790 Hwy 281 SE.

Following the Hearing, a SECOND READING: of an Ordinance amending the District Map to change the zoning was, approved.


Another PUBLIC HEARING was held Concerning an ordinance to repeal the current Appendix C and to enact the reformatted Appendix C of the City Code of the City of Jamestown, North Dakota, pertaining to Zoning Regulations.  No one spoke.

Following the hearing a SECOND READING: of an Ordinance to repeal the current Appendix C and to enact the reformatted Appendix C of the City Code of the City of Jamestown pertaining to Zoning Regulations was approved.



The City Council will re-advertise for the appointment of an individual   to serve as a member of the Jamestown Regional Airport Authority for a five year term to expire December 2026


Appointed was  Darrell Losing and Harold Bensch  to serve as a member of the Board of Adjustment for a three year term to expire January 2025.


Appointed was   Jon Lilijord  to serve as a member of the Civil Service Commission for a five year term to expire January 2027.



Council Member Steele pointed out the challenges that were met by the City Street Crews, following last week’ blizzard, noting community members working together, to get the job done.  He asked for the public to be patient in awaiting streets being cleared.

Mayor Heinrich echoed Steele’s comments, as the mayor said on The Wayne Byers Show on CSi Cable 2.  (See Story at CSiNewsNow.com)

He said he looks forward to 2022 be a good positive year for Jamestown.


Considered approving the Preliminary Engineering Reimbursement Agreement with the NDDOT on Highway 52 from 4th Ave SW to 18th St SW, Project No. NHU-2-052(049)266, PCN 23350, Contract No. 38211466, and authorizing the City Auditor, City Attorney and Mayor to sign the agreement and the NDDOT authorization.  The City Council approved the agreement.

Approved was the request from Jamestown Gymnastics Club for a site authorization to conduct gaming at the Jamestown Gymnastics Club Board Room on June 13, 2022.

The meeting was shown live on CSi Cable 67 followed by replays.



Jamestown  (CSi) Jamestown Mayor Dwaine Heinrich says city officials are reviewing the massive Jamestown snow removal from the week of December 28, 2021.

The mayor said Emergency Snow Routes were cleared first, followed by the rest of the city streets, and alleys.

On Tuesday’s Wayne Byers Show on CSi Cable 2, Mayor Heinrich said plans include “what went right, and what went wrong,” during the days after the blizzard that dumped 22 inches of snow and wind-whipped high drifts.

He pointed out that Street Superintendent Rick Lepetzky and Sanitation former, Sean O’Neill worked diligently in scheduling the snow removal and garbage collections.   Recycle North Dakota also rescheduled its collections completed within the week.

The City of Jamestown reminds residents of proper removing of snow from private property and timely removal of ice and snow from sidewalks, according to City Ordinance.



Valley City  (CSi)  Here is this week’s message from Mayor Dave Carlsrud to VC residents.

Hello Folks,

Proof that “time heals”, I don’t remember the last time we had so much snow in one storm. Depending from where your reading comes, it seems we had 18-20 inches of snow. The nice part is, it makes for a beautiful scene in our part of the Sheyenne Valley.


The snow did make for some challenges of course. Our Public Works Crews had to wait for the storm to subside before snow removal could be effective. We didn’t get out of our driveway Monday and with the longer duration of the storm; our garbage is waiting to be picked up.


Puppy “poop” is easily seen in the white snow, please pick up your pet’s waste.


Kudos to our Public Works Crews as once snow removal began it was “all hands on deck”. Workers jumped in and worked wherever needed be it hauling snow, sanding or plowing. Once they began, long hours were worked and the city was pretty well cleaned in about forty hours, running time.


Over the weekend I went for a couple walks, warm clothes were needed, and I want to say thanks to all of you who have cleaned your sidewalks and driveways. It makes walking easier and much safer for mail carriers and delivery people so if you haven’t cleaned yours, please do.


VCPS and VCSU have fine arts and athletic competitions during this time of winter. Get out and watch the kids compete; it is warm in the venues.


Thank you to contributors again this week.


“All you need is love; but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”       

 (Charles Schulz)


Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Dave Carlsrud


Jamestown  (JRMC)— The parents of the 2022 New Year’s Baby say he has a special guardian angel.

Knox Bryan Walden arrived on Jan. 2; the first baby born at Jamestown Regional Medical Center this year. The son of Brooke and Kyle Walden, Leal, N.D., Knox weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 20.5 inches tall. Dr. Stacey Roers Irmen delivered the baby at 11:48 a.m.

Also born on that day was Knox’s cousin in Oregon. Though the family welcomed both infants with joy, they also mourned a loss. Knox’s great-grandmother Delores Demars passed away the same day – in the early hours of the morning.

Brook says “When Knox was born, he needed oxygen to support his breathing. We think Kyle’s grandmother was looking out for him,” She had two great-grandchildren on the day she passed away.”

JRMC Family BirthPlace Manager Emily Woodley. says “The New Year’s baby symbolizes a fresh start and rebirth,” said “We always look forward to welcoming these little ones to the community. Knox’s story gives us goosebumps.”

In 2021, JRMC delivered 331 babies, compared to 319 babies in 2020 and 328 in 2019.

Knox’s parents as well as big sister 2 year old Blake, are excited to bring him home. The name “Knox” begins with the same letter as Kyle, just like big sister’s first initial is the same as Brooke’s.

Brooks adds “We did that on purpose,” Brooke said, saying both she and Blake have November birthdays and Kyle and Knox have January birthdays.

Knox’s middle name comes from a deceased family friend, Brooke said.

She says “I thought that would be a good way to honor the memory of ‘Uncle’ Bryan,”

The couple say they hope for what most parents want for their children – health and happiness.

To learn more about delivering at JRMC, visit www.jrmcnd.com/moms.


Carrington  (CSi)  Mason Wede of Carrington, N.D., has announced his candidacy for the primary election in the Senate for District 29 in North Dakota.

Wede, a Republican, noted the recent redistricting brought Nelson, Steele, Griggs, Foster, and Stutsman counties under District 29.

“We, as rural North Dakotans, need someone who will stand up in Bismarck to say we deserve the same benefits as the larger towns do in North Dakota,” he said. ” This disparity has limited choice, forced school merging, and displaced entire communities. Bringing people, resources, and jobs back to our shrinking communities, we can help our local communities rebuild and grow.”

Wede said he is a third-generation farmer, born and raised in Carrington. He has a Bachelor of Science in computer information technology.

He said the Legacy Fund can help local communities, and he will fight for income tax relief and elimination, “stand up” for economic and job development, help create jobs and opportunities and fight for better funding for Class B schools.

District 29 is currently represented by Sen. Terry Wanzek, R-Jamestown; Rep. Chet Pollert, R-Carrington; and Rep. Craig Headland, R-Montpelier.


FARGO, N.D. (AP) — The City of Fargo and the municipal board that governs the community’s airport are signing an agreement that gives the airport more autonomy. Formal negotiations have gone on for more than two years and at times have been contentious. The city and the Hector International Airport Authority are signing a memorandum of understanding Monday that changes the 50-year agreement between the two. The airport authority will take over services currently provided by the city, including those related to finances, information services, payroll and other human resource services. And, airport employees are no longer considered to be city employees.


OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — The final 2021 report on a monthly survey of business leaders in nine Midwest and Plains states shows the region’s economy continues to improve going into the new year, with confidence in the economy over the next six months soaring. The overall index for December of the Creighton University Mid-America Business Conditions released Monday grew to 64.6 from November’s 60.2. Any score above 50 on the survey’s indexes suggests growth. The survey’s business confidence index, which looks ahead six months, rocketed from a weak 46.2 in November to 64.0 in December. The monthly survey covers Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Dakota.


In sports…


High School Basketball


Oakes 41, Griggs/Midkota 30

Bishop Ryan 76, Dunseith 64

Flasher 65, Central McLean 45

Grafton 69, Hatton-Northwood 35

Langdon 54, Park River-Fordville/Lankin 29

North Border 81, Cavalier 44


South Border 77, Barnes County North 28

Des Lacs-Burlington 45, Stanley 41

Hettinger/Scranton 69, Dickinson Trinity 53

Napoleon/G-S 50, Lisbon 42



Seen on CSi 14 ESPN and CSi 27 ESPN 2


— Ben Roethlisberger threw for 123 yards and a touchdown in likely his final start at Heinz Field as the Pittsburgh Steelers beat Cleveland 26-14. Roethlisberger says he is leaning toward retirement. He improved to 26-3-1against the Browns in his 18-year career. The Steelers also kept their slim playoff hopes alive with the victory. Pittsburgh needs a win in its regular-season finale against Baltimore and a loss by Indianapolis to Jacksonville to reach the postseason. Baker Mayfield threw for 185 yards with two touchdowns and two interceptions for the Browns.


UNDATED (AP) — The NFL’s schedule changes for Week 18 will feature a Sunday night showdown for a playoff berth. To finish off the NFL’s first 17-game season, the Los Angeles Chargers at Las Vegas Raiders game was flexed from daytime to primetime. Both AFC West rivals are 9-7 and the winner will advance to the postseason.

The league also switched two games from Sunday to Saturday. Kansas City, already the AFC West champion, will be at Denver, followed by Dallas at Philadelphia. Neither of those games has the strong postseason implications of Chargers-Raiders.


— The Philadelphia Eagles have placed defensive tackle Fletcher Cox and tight end Dallas Goedert along with 10 others on the reserve/COVID-19 list Monday ahead of Saturday’s regular- season finale against Dallas. The Eagles already have a playoff berth clinched with only the seeding still to be decided Saturday night when they host the Cowboys. Under the NFL’s revised COVID-19 protocols, the Eagles could get all 12 back before kickoff. The Titans activated a trio off COVID-19 reserve led by receiver Julio Jones and linebacker Jayon Brown.

— The Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Bruce Arians said Monday he has no regrets about giving the often-troubled receiver Antonio Brown an opportunity to play with Tom Brady and revive a career derailed by on- and off-the-field issues — even though it ended with Brown leaving the reigning Super Bowl champions in the middle of a game. Arians declined to discuss specifics of what happened but dispelled the notion Brown left after telling coaches he was too injured to re-enter the game.

— Las Vegas Raiders rookie cornerback Nate Hobbs was arrested on a misdemeanor DUI charge shortly after the team returned from a road game in Indianapolis. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department says dispatch received a call at about 4 a.m. Monday about a driver asleep inside a vehicle parked on an exit ramp of a parking garage. Hobbs’ attorneys questioned whether the arrest qualified as drunken driving.


Seen on CSi 25 Bally Sports Norh…

— Anthony Edwards scored 28 points and the Minnesota Timberwolves routed the Los Angeles Clippers 122-104 to end a three-game skid. The Wolves gained a split in LA after losing by five to the Lakers a night earlier. The Clippers struggled mightily in their first home game of the new year. They had 39 made shots and 21 turnovers in the game. They got dominated in the paint, 64-42. Serge Ibaka tied his season high with 17 points for the Clippers, who have dropped four of six.

In other action

UNDATED (AP) — Saddiq Bey scored a career-high 34 points and the Detroit Pistons beat Milwaukee 115-106 to snap the Bucks’ six-game winning streak.

the Portland Trail Blazers overcame an NBA season-best 56 points by Atlanta’s Trae Young, snapping a four-game losing streak in a 136-131 win over the Hawks.

the Golden State Warriors held off the undermanned Miami Heat 115-108.

Memphis extended its winning streak to five games with a 118-104 win over the Brooklyn Nets.

— Joel Embiid had 31 points, 15 rebounds and 10 assists in the Philadelphia 76ers’ 133-113 win over the Houston Rockets. It was Embiid’s third career triple-double..

the Washington Wizards beat the Charlotte Hornets 124-121.

the Dallas Mavericks beat the Denver Nuggets 103-89.

— DeMar DeRozan scored 29 points, Zach LaVine added 27 and the Chicago Bulls won their eighth straight game, beating the Orlando Magic 102-98.

The Utah Jazz beat the New Orleans Pelicans 115-104 to extend their road winning streak to nine games.


UNDATED (AP) — The NBA has rescheduled all 11 games that were postponed in December for virus-related reasons and either shifted the times or dates of 10 other games to help accommodate those changes. Toronto had six games affected, Chicago had five and Brooklyn had four. In all, 18 of the league’s 30 teams had at least one game date changed by the postponements or future adjustments. The updates were revealed today.

— Brooklyn Nets coach Steve Nash says the organization is “hopeful” that Kyrie Irving could make his season debut Wednesday at Indianapolis. Nash added that “no determinations have been made yet.” Irving has not been vaccinated against the coronavirus, which makes him ineligible to play home games under a New York City vaccine mandate.

— The Cleveland Cavaliers have landed Rajon Rondo. Cleveland finalized its trade for the 35-year-old Rondo with the Los Angeles Lakers in what eventually became a three-team deal involving the New York Knicks. In the swap, the Knicks receive guard Denzel Valentine from the Cavaliers along with the draft rights to international prospects and cash from the Lakers. Ricky Rubio tore his left anterior cruciate ligament last week and is out for the season.


Seen on csi  66 the big ten network..

UNDATED (AP) — Johnny Davis scored a career-high 37 points and Brad Davison added 15 to help No. 23 Wisconsin get past No. 3 Purdue 74-69. The 11-2 Badgers used a late 16-5 run to take control for its third straight win. Davis also had 14 rebounds. Zach Edey took advantage of his size by scoring 24 points and grabbing 10 rebounds to lead the 13-2 Boilermakers.

Jaden Ivey added 14 points but it wasn’t enough to extend a 13-game home winning streak. Purdue lost for the first time since Dec. 9.


Meanwhile, Ben Mathurin scored 27 points, Christian Koloko added 22 points and 10 rebounds, and Arizona returned from an extended break to beat Washington.

The Wildcats moved the ball well offensively in their first game in 16 days, shooting 55% and finishing with 28 assists on 33 made shots.

Kerr Kriisa finished with 21 points and Arizona went 12 for 25 from 3 for its best start since opening the 2015-16 season 13-1.


UNDATED (AP) — Baylor kept its firm hold on No. 1 in The Associated Press Top 25 men’s college basketball poll with few changes at the top and no new teams entering the latest rankings. No. 2 Duke is No. 2. No. 9 Auburn climbed into the top 10 for the first time this season. No. 16 Providence rose five spots in the week’s biggest jump.

No. 24 Seton Hall had the biggest tumble by falling nine spots.


UNDATED (AP) — A contingency plan is in place for the FCS championship game if Montana State or North Dakota State are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both teams are scheduled to arrive in Frisco, Texas, on Wednesday, three days before the Football Championship Subdivision title game. Saturday’s game could be pushed back nearly a week if one or both teams fall below a minimum 53 players before arriving in Texas. If one or both teams are unable to play after arriving in Texas, the game would be declared a no-contest.

— Louisville plans to retire the No. 2 jersey number of former All-America guard and fifth-highest scorer Russ Smith, who led the Cardinals to the 2013 NCAA men’s basketball championship that was later vacated. Smith’s jersey will be retired at halftime of Louisville’s game against Notre Dame on Jan. 22.


NEW YORK (AP) — Chris Kreider scored his 20th goal, Ryan Strome had a goal and two assists, and the New York Rangers beat the slumping Edmonton Oilers 4-1 for their third straight win. Alexis Lafrenière (lah-frehn-YEHR’) and Barclay Goodrow each had a goal and an assist. Adam Fox had two assists to help the Rangers win for the fourth time in six games.

They moved into first place atop the Metropolitan Division and the NHL. Alexandar Georgiev (GEER’-gee-ehv) stopped 33 shots to get his first win since Dec. 10. Ryan McLeod scored for Edmonton and Mikko Koskinen had 24 saves.


UNDATED (AP) — The NHL has postponed the Seattle Kraken’s home game scheduled for Thursday against Ottawa because of COVID-19 problems with the Senators. It’s the 92nd NHL game to be postponed for coronavirus-related reasons this season. Several of those are linked to attendance restrictions in Canada.

Meanwhile, the Buffalo Sabres added forward Kyle Okposo and another player to the league’s COVID-19 protocol list Monday.

The Dallas Stars removed 10 players from the list and appear to be on track to resume play Thursday. The Stars have not played since Dec. 20.


UNDATED (AP) —— Wisconsin linebacker Leo Chenal is entering the NFL draft rather than returning to the Badgers next season. Chenal announced his decision Monday on social media. The move comes after Chenal earned second-team honors on the Associated Press All-America team as a junior. Chenal was the leading tackler for a Wisconsin defense that allowed the fewest yards per game of any Football Bowl Subdivision team this season. Wisconsin (9-4) closed its season Thursday by beating Arizona State 20-13 in the Las Vegas Bowl


Oklahoma quarterback Caleb Williams said Monday he is entering his name in the transfer portal so he can speak with other schools, but he has not ruled out staying with the Sooners. The freshman and former five-star recruit from Washington, D.C. led the Sooners to a victory last week against Oregon in the Alamo Bowl.

Williams played for then-head coach Lincoln Riley posted his intentions on social media. Riley left Oklahoma to become coach at Southern California the day after the Sooners ended their regular season with a loss to Oklahoma State. Former Clemson defensive coordinator Brent Venables was hired to replace Riley.



UNDATED (AP) — Outfielder Cameron Maybin is retiring after 15 major league seasons. The 34-year-old had one hit in 28 at-bats from May 19-29 last season for the New York Mets. He was assigned to Triple-A Syracuse on June 3 and hit .182 with no homers and five RBIs in 44 at-bats for the Mets’ top farm team. Detroit selected him with the 10th overall pick in the 2005 amateur draft. Maybin had a .254 career batting average with 72 homers and 354 RBIs. He played for 10 major league teams and won a World Series title in 2017 with the Houston Astros.

In world and national news…

WASHINGTON (AP) — A winter storm packing heavy snow has closed government offices and schools in the nation’s capital and surrounding suburbs. Monday’s storm dumped between 6 and 11 inches of snow six and grounded the president’s helicopter. Travel was treacherous and more than 500,000 customers lost power. More than half the flights were delayed or canceled Monday morning at Washington’s three major airports. President Joe Biden had to ride by car to the White House from Joint Base Andrews in suburban Maryland.


RUTHER GLEN, Va. (AP) — Hundreds of motorists spent a chilly night snowed in along on Interstate 95 after a crash involving six tractor-trailers in Virginia. The wreck shut down the U.S. East Coast’s main north-south highway for about 50 miles and stranded drivers in both directions for more than 15 hours. The Virginia Department of Transportation said Tuesday morning that its crews will start taking people off the roadway at any interchange where they can be reached. The challenge is to get to all the snowed-in cars and trucks. People are posting increasingly desperate messages on social media, saying they’re running out of food, fuel and water.


BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — Investigators looking for the cause of the Colorado wildfire that destroyed nearly 1,000 homes and buildings have narrowed their search to a sparsely populated neighborhood near Boulder. Authorities say it’s the same area where a passer-by captured video of a burning shed on the day the fire began. Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle says it could be weeks before authorities release details on the investigation. Experts from the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the U.S. Forest Service are helping the probe. Meanwhile, teams continued searching Monday for two people who were still missing, and survivors sorted through the charred remnants of their homes to find whatever was left.


AT&T and Verizon say they will delay new 5G wireless service for two weeks, putting off a planned start this Wednesday. The company says it’s delaying the launch after a request from Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and concern about possible interference with systems on board planes. AT&T and Verizon had planned to launch the new 5G service on Wednesday in many U.S. cities. Last week, a trade group for the airline industry asked the Federal Communications Commission to delay the so-called C-Band 5G service around airports.


TOKYO (AP) — Global shares are mostly higher despite worries about rising numbers of cases of the coronavirus. Benchmarks in France, Germany and Britain are rising in early trading, while U.S. futures are also gaining. Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 jumped 1.8% in Tokyo’s first trading day of 2022. Among the gainers were Toyota and Sony. Shares rose in Australia, South Korea and Hong Kong but edged lower in Shanghai. Worries are growing about an inevitable surge in infections in Asia, with reported detections of the faster spreading omicron. Troubled Chinese developer Evergrande announced it had been ordered to demolish a resort.


BAGHDAD (AP) — A U.S.-led coalition official in Iraq says two explosives-laden drones that targeted a military base housing U.S. troops in western Anbar province have been destroyed. The official says the fixed-wing drones rigged with explosives were engaged by defensive capabilities at the Ain al-Asad airbase, and that the attack was unsuccessful. It was the second such attempted attack coinciding with the anniversary of the 2020 U.S. airstrike that killed a top Iranian general. An Iraqi military statement confirmed the attempted attack. On Monday, two armed drones were shot down as they headed toward a facility housing U.S. advisors at Baghdad airport.