Jamestown – Friday is soup day! Snow or not, we will be running soup to the curb from 4:30-6:30 p.m. It will be the perfect weather for hot soup! If you didn’t pre-purchase a ticket for soup, we will have extra knoephla soup for sale curbside for $8/pint. Make sure to come early to ensure you get some before we run out.

Friday October 27 from 4:30 – 6:30pm at Washington Elementary School. Just pull up to the curb by the north doors, and we’ll deliver your soup to your car!

Funds are being raised for Washington Elementary PTO to provide resources to the school that are not funded or not funded sufficiently in the school budget. Those resources are deemed necessary or desirable by the staff for the support and education of the children at the school.

If you would rather make a tax deductible donation, you can mail a check made out to Washington PTO to the school. Students can also collect checks or cash donations to turn into the school.