Jamestown – The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Heinrich at 5:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.

Roll Call showed the following members present: Mayor Heinrich, Council Members Buchanan, Kamlitz, Steele and Schloegel, Assistant City Attorney Geroux, and City Administrator Hellekson.
Council Member Schloegel seated himself at 5:02.

Council Member Kamlitz moved to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting, March 4, 2024,
and the committee meeting March 21, 2024. Seconded by Council Member Steele. Unanimous aye vote.

No bids were received for the sale of abandoned/impounded vehicles.
Council Member Schloegel moved to approve the following consent agenda items:

A. Resolution to approve the payment of National Opioid Settlement Funds received in the amount of
$4,653.08 to Central Valley Health District (CVHD) to be used as mutually agreed by the City and
B. Resolution to approve the Tower Lease and Use Agreement between the State of North Dakota
Information Technology Department and the City of Jamestown for the purpose of placing, operating
and maintaining on the City water tower and the water tower site State-owned telecommunications
equipment and a building as part of the Statewide Interoperable Radio Network (SIRN 20/20) for use
by the public safety community and authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign the
C. Resolution to approve the request from Buffalo City Gun Club to be recognized as an other public
spirited organization and to authorize the issuance of a raffle permit.
D. Resolution to approve increasing the number of steps in the City of Jamestown’s pay classification
from 16 to 18.
E. Resolution to approve re-classifying the position of Water Plant Operator I from a range 23 ($3,592-
$5,161) to a range 29 ($3,797-$5,457).
F. Resolution to approve a copier/fax/scanner lease for a new copier at Civic Center.
G. Resolution to appoint Melissa Magnuson as an Assistant City Attorney and Assistant City Prosecutor.
H. Resolution to approve the license agreement with Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) to
cross the 230-kV transmission line on inert landfill property and authorize the City Administrator to
sign the agreement.
I. Resolution to approve the Minor Subdivison, Final Plat of Kourajian Second Addition, Replat of Lots
6 and 7, Block 14 of Kourajian First Addition, Within SE ¼ of Section 25, T140N, R64W and SW ¼
of Section 30, T140N, R63W, City of Jamestown, North Dakota. The property is located at 1110
Railroad Dr SE.
J. Resolution to direct the City Attorney to draft an agreement transferring ownership of the railroad
caboose once owned by Midland Continental Railroad, wheels, track and associated signs, all located
on the south side of Louis L’Amour Lane in the Frontier Village from the City of Jamestown to JK
Ventures, LLC d.b.a. Jamestown Campground.
K. Resolution to approve the addition of a mural on the water pump house located in the Frontier Village
near the underground tank.
L. Resolution to approve the proposal to add a wall in the lower level west side storage room.
M. Resolution to award the bid for the Street Department Front End Loader to Titan Machinery in the
amount of $149,581.
N. Resolution to reject the bid for the Water Treatment Plant Lime Press Filter Machines as a nonresponsive bid.
O. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to Scherbenske, Inc., for construction on the 2023 Water Main
Improvements District 23-61, in the amount of $20,039.40.
P. Resolution to approve Payment No. 2 (Inv 08387.10-2), to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for 2024
Jamestown Planning and Zoning Technical Services, in the amount of $335.21.
Q. Resolution to approve Payment No. 111 (Inv 93553), to AE2S, LLC, for On Call engineering services
(I&C Water) for a total amount of $5,921.58.
R. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1 (Inv 53771), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services on Capital Improvement Plan, in the amount of $1,382.50.
S. Resolution to approve Payment No. 3 (Inv 53773), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services for Radio Read Water Meters, in the amount of $4,020.90.
T. Resolution to approve Payment No. 5 (Inv 53768), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services for 2023 Water Main Improvement District #23-61, in the amount of $6,991.96.
U. Resolution to approve Payment No. 12 (Inv 53769), to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering
services on Water Treatment Plant Lime Sludge Filter Press Replacement Procurement and
Installation Contracts, in the amount of $16,500.00.
V. Resolution to approve Payment No. 20 (Inv 53770), to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering
services on North West Booster Station, in the amount of $1,375.00.
W. Resolution to approve Payment No. 345 (Inv 53772), in the amount of $8,635.00, to Interstate
Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows:
a) General, in the amount of $5,552.50;
b) Streets, in the amount of $1,302.50;
c) Sewer, in the amount of $1,225.00;
d) Water, in the amount of $432.50;
e) Solid Waste, in the amount of $ 122.50.
X. Resolution to allow the March indebtedness in the amount of $3,334,571.42 consisting of $637,573.90
payroll and $2,696,997.52 general obligations.
Seconded by Council Member Steele. Consent Roll Call No. 1 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.

Council Member Buchanan moved to appoint John Zvirovski to serve as a member of the Forestry Committee to fill a three-year term to expire in April 2027. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.

Council Member Kamlitz moved to appoint Dennis Gransee to serve as a member of the Forestry Committee to fill a three-year term to expire in April 2027. Seconded by Council Member Steele. Unanimous aye vote. Carried.

Council Member Steele moved a resolution to approve the rental of a tractor to pull the new sludge
applicator for the Sewer Department and authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign the
agreement. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Public Works Director Michel provided
information. Roll Call No. 2 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.

Council Member Kamlitz moved a resolution to award the bid for 2024 Seal Coat, Patching, Construction & Reconstruction District #24-41 to Border States Paving in the amount of $3,422,906.50. Seconded by Council Member Steele. Public Works Director Michel provided information. Roll Call No. 3 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.

Council Member Schloegel moved a resolution to award the bid for 2024 Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter
District #24-11 to LD Concrete in the amount of $85,077.50. Seconded by Council Member Kamlitz. Public Works Director Michel provided information. Roll Call No. 4 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.

Assistant City Attorney Geroux informed Council Members that two (2) bids at the Inert Landfill Expansion project bid opening held on March 28, 2024, were not opened due to irregularities. The bid irregularity from Western was not waivable and she recommended that bid not be opened. The bid irregularity from Craig Bardson was a waivable irregularity. Council Member Buchanan moved a resolution to waive the irregularity and open the bid from Craig Bardson for the Inert Landfill Expansion project. Seconded by Council Member Steele. Senior Engineer Hournbuckle from Interstate Engineering provided information. Roll Call No. 5 showed: 4 ayes, 1 nay (Kamlitz), 0 absent. Carried.

Assistant City Attorney Geroux publicly opened the bid from Craig Bardson for the Inert Landfill Expansion project. Council Member Kamlitz moved a resolution to award the bid for Phase 2 of the 96” Storm Sewer Repair (Project #24-71) to CC Steel in the amount of $1,519,390. Seconded by Council Member Steele. Public Works Director Michel provided information. Roll Call No. 6 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Carried.

Council Member Schloegel moved a resolution to award the bid for Inert Landfill Expansion to Park
Construction Co., in the amount of $461,801. Seconded by Council Member Kamlitz. Senior Engineer
Hournbuckle from Interstate Engineering provided information. Roll Call No. 7 showed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0
absent. Carried.

Council Member Kamlitz moved to adjourn at 5:40 p.m. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel.
Unanimous aye vote. Carried.