BISMARCK, ND – The North Dakota Department of Water Resources (DWR) is planning to
conduct an aerial electromagnetic survey (AEM) of aquifers in parts of Kidder and Stutsman
Counties in central North Dakota as early as July 16, 2024. The surveys involve a helicopter
towing a large hoop-shaped antenna approximately 100 feet above the ground. The antenna
sends and receives electromagnetic signals to characterize geology beneath the land surface.
The results of the survey will provide imagery and characteristics of subsurface materials that
can aid in the mapping of buried glacial aquifer deposits that contain major groundwater

“Our groundwater investigations benefit greatly from our AEM surveys,” DWR Director Andrea
Travnicek said. “Over the past several years, we’ve collected valuable data used to make
sound scientific water management decisions using AEM.”

The flight survey will include approximately 1,620 flight miles flown in a grid pattern with
primarily east-west trending flight lines spaced 500 to 2,000 meters apart, for a total area of
1,450 square miles.

The DWR AEM study will be conducted by the specialty airborne geophysical survey
company Aqua Geo Frameworks, LLC. (AGF) and their affiliates. The helicopter will be
operated by pilots who are specially trained for the low-level flying required for geophysical
surveys. The contractors work with the FAA to ensure flights are safe and in accordance with
U.S. law. Surveys do not occur directly above populated areas.

For more information, go to Department of Water Resources (