Greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah everyone.  Sue and I hope you all have cherished times with families and friends throughout your holiday season.

Please read “Out & About With Carter” in the 12/19/24 Times Record.  Blessings Carter.

From Josh Johnson:  “While there are many things that I love about our community, one that stands out are the many events and tournaments hosted in Valley City that bring out of towners to our community.  Have you been around a recent weekend and seen the mass of children and families visiting our gas stations, restaurants, and other places of business? It is awesome to showcase our community, utilize our great activity facilities, and also support our businesses in Valley City.  Thank you to all the organizers of these events that continue to bring so many people to Valley City.  A few of these organizations include VCPR, VCSU, VCPS, Just for Kix Dance, Viper/Prowl Hockey, Twisters Gymnastics, Legion Baseball, Special Olympics, and others.  A Shout-Out to All of You!!”  Thanks Josh.

Hi-Liners Girls’ and Boys’ basketball teams will be hosting  Holiday Basketball Tournaments December 27-29 at the HAC.  Maybe it would be fun for you, attend a little high school basketball at the HAC.

During the Holidays, I tend to eat more than I should, imagine that!  A “holiday tip” for feeling better was given to me; if I walk as little as 7,000 steps in the day, I will feel better mentally and physically.  I am going to try it and hope you will too.

Over night last Wednesday afforded us a beautiful 5-6 inch snow fall.  If it can get a little crust and stay, it can provide good insulation for our lawns and infrastructure.  Yay!

As I am thinking about our family gatherings at Christmas, many fond memories of being at our “grammas’” houses with cousins, aunts, uncles, parents and of course grandparents surface.  I hope our grandkids are Blessed with such memories. 

Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this column.

Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.”      ~ Edna Ferber

        Blessings, Pray, be Respectful and Grateful

Dave Carlsrud