Hello Everyone, Happy New Year and please celebrate your gathering with family and friends responsibly so your new year can be a happy one.  

That was quite an unusual warm weather spell we encountered over the weekend.  Hopefully you were able to enjoy it.  However, now there will be slippery spots where there weren’t any before, so please be vigilant!

A thought, sometimes I feel sorry for myself while thinking about things “I don’t have”.  That IS depressing and I have so many things for which to be grateful.  When I am feeling gratitude, it really helps me to be in a good mental state. 

Salt and other corrosive ice melting materials can be tough on your concrete sidewalks, driveways and grass so be cautious with how you use them.  There are numerous materials that will melt ice, in some cases blending products could be a safer option for your property.

We have friends who are currently battling some health issues.  If you do too, please take a little time to visit, call, text, email or write a note to let them know you are thinking of them.  Most importantly, pray for them. 

The Winter Solstice was December 21 when the sun was south of the equator directly over the Tropic of Capricorn.  Days are getting longer, YAY!

Good ice fishing has picked up following a period of good ice-making weather.  However with the number of unseasonably warm days, some ice deterioration, currents in the rivers and lakes, extra awareness of conditions for your safety may be prudent.  Please be safe.

Fall and into winter is a busy time in city business with budgeting, equipment preparation, snow removal, permanent flood protection, next year’s road construction and the like. Thank you to all our city employees for all you do.

Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this column.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”      ~ Aesop

Blessings, Pray, be Respectful and Grateful,


Dave Carlsrud