Hello Folks, The Bridge City Cruisers & The Jamestown Classic Car Club are sponsoring  the “Hot Rod Junkies Car Show” 9 AM – 5 PM Saturday and 9 AM – 3 PM Sunday, February 24 & 25.  It will be held in the warm confines of the North Dakota Winter Show South Building. There will be Hot Wheels for kids, Valve Cover Racing, Model Car Show & display along with a Swap Meet and food vendors.  Oh, did I mention the beautiful cars, trucks and more?  There is something for the whole family to enjoy, go for fun.

* There will be four ND District 24 Legislative Forums in Valley City beginning this Saturday January 25, 9:30 at the VCPS HAC.  All are welcome to attend, interact with our state senator, house representatives and hear what is happening in this legislative session.

To follow legislative bills please see https://ndlegis.gov/legislative-bill-tracking-system.  When you have educated yourself with the bill of your interest, contact legislators early in the process so they have time to prepare information to answer your support or opposition.  The 11th-hour contact is less affective than earlier.  Remember, “A difference of opinion doesn’t necessarily mean a difference in principle”.

In case it interests you, one of the Property Tax Reform Bills is HB 1176.  Property tax funding is important to all of us as said funds pay for fire protection, police, snow removal, street maintenance, schools and senior centers to name a few.

A Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) contingent attended a Joint Action Conference last week that focused on providing reliable, adequate & affordable electric power.  It is a huge challenge right now as the need for electric power is growing faster than renewable generation and total generation.  The entire industry is tackling the challenge.

Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this column.

“Remember, anyone can love you when the sun is shining.  In the storm is where you learn who truly cares for you.”    ~ Charlie Brown

        Blessings, Pray, be Respectful and Grateful,

Dave Carlsrud