(Valley News Live) Jamestown – Wednesday, the University of Jamestown held a prayer service to remind people “they’re in this together.” Their cafeteria, Knight Hall, was destroyed by a fire over the weekend.

Around 1:30 Sunday morning, a student who is also a part-time Domino’s worker spotted the fire at Knight Hall and made that initial 911 call.

“Two minutes later, I had a picture on my phone of flames coming out the northwest corner of Knight Hall,” Dr. Polly Peterson, the president at the university said during an assembly Wednesday night.

Reagan Johnson, a junior, said, “We were kind of just like shocked. We didn’t know what was happening.”

President Peterson was also in shock. She described the fire as “devastating but under control.” While crews battled the blaze, the question stood as to how the students were going to be fed.

“The National Sodexo Office was here. We had a great meeting. We have a plan to set up in the Hansen Center. We’re calling this a ‘Crawl, Walk, Run,’” added Peterson.

A team running to the rescue. Peterson said she’s had more than 300 messages from people wanting to donate kitchen equipment and money.

“I know it’s not going to be perfect, So that’s where it will be until the end of the semester. It’s the least used place on campus so we felt it displaced the least amount of people.”

While Wednesday was a moment of prayer, it was also a moment of praise for the first responders who risked their lives Sunday.

“Coming together to like recognize the people that stopped the fire of where we go for our community. It’s great to recognize them and just say ‘Thanks,’” said Senior Megan Oswald.

While a tragedy, students have a new cafeteria and chapel to look forward to.

“I’m excited to see how it is. I was excited about the new chapel. I think it will just be really neat. It was all in God’s plan,” added Johnson.