Our server in California, for JamestownUSA.com and ValleyCityUSA.com is being relocated back to the CSi Network Operations Center in Jamestown. It will be reconfigured and brought back online to give you access to our extensive local news archive.

In the meantime, enjoy the new look of CSiNewsNow.com, for all your local news – weather – and community information. Over the next few weeks we will be retooling your favorite Home Page to make it even better.  Email your suggestions  to the CSi News NOW .com Web Team at theGuy@TheReplayChannel.com

The web addresses of CSiJt.com, CSiVC.com, JamestownUSA.com, and ValleyCity USA.com will all be redirected to the new server that runs the new CSiNewsNow.com. Our web look will be combined into one website.

If the settings stored in your bookmarks – favorites – homepages were the original addresses that pointed to the California server of jamestown.localtoolbox.com/jamestown or valleycity.localtoolbox.com/valleycity,  you will want to update your home page by resetting.

<b><font size=4>
<a href=http://www.csiNewsNow.com onClick=”style.behavior=’url(#default#homepage)’;setHomePage(‘http://www.CSiNewsNow.com’);”>Click Here to Set HomePage or Add Tab for CSiNewsNow.com </a>

This website is a work in progress as we learn all the features and fine-tune the look. We hope you enjoy the new layout and ability to interact with the social media websites with great ease.