Robinson-Dist24Jamestown (CSi)  Senate Bill 2260 sponsored by District 29 State Senator, Terry Wanzek, would appropriate $20 million to be used by the North Dakota Department of Commerce to provide grants to political subdivisions that incur high costs related to economic development projects that do not receive funds from oil impact funds.

The bill outlines that political subdivisions could include schools, fire districts, counties, cities or any other government agency that levies taxes.

Wanzek said the bill provides the state Department of Commerce with flexibility in how the funds are used.

Wanzek says the bill stems from when, during the Legislature’s interim session, Stutsman County Sheriff Chad Kaiser and Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger applied for grants but were denied.

Pollert-Dist29Co-sponsors of the bill are Sen. Gary Lee, R-Casselton, Sen. Larry Robinson, D-Valley City, Rep. Mike Brandenburg, R-Edgeley, Rep. Craig Headland, R-Montpelier, and Rep. Chet Pollert, R-Carrington.




Headland-Dist29The Senate Political Subdivision Committee will hold a hearing at 10 a.m. Friday in the State Capitol.