Devils LakeBismarck (CSi) The National Weather Service is providing long-range probabilistic hydrologic outlooks for Devils and Stump lakes between January and September 2015.

There has been little change since the last outlook at the end of January…with below normal lake rises expected due to below normal springtime inflows.

Fall and winter precipitation has been within the 20 to 50% of normal across the Devils Lake basin ranging from a bit above on the northwestern side and below normal on the eastern side.

Snow water equivalents (SWEs) in the snowpack are modeled at 0.85 inches compared to a typical 1.25 to 2.75 inches.

The model was run with normal climatological precipitation and slightly above normal temperatures…and with the maximum 600 cfs pumping capacity of the Devils Lake outlets from the 1st of June through the 10th of November. This produced the highest rising hydrograph member derived from the 60+ years of temperature and precipitation used in the model to peak at 1453.13 feet.