EllingsonLee1Jamestown (CSi) No preliminary court appearance has been set yet for 43 year old Lee Charles Ellingson.

The 43 year old Tracy, Minnesota man has been charged by the Stutsman County State’s Attorney, stemming from an early morning vehicle high speed chase that led to im man ramming patrol cars and the shooting of the suspect.

Ellingson was treated for his injuries at Jamestown Regional medical Center and later transported to a Fargo hospital to undergo surgery for his injuries

Ellingson has been charged with:

One count of Reckless Endangerment, a Class C Felony. One count of Criminal Mischief a Class C Felony

One count of DUI, a Class C Felony and, Fleeing or attempting to elude, a Class A misdeameanor

Bail has been recommended, and State’s Attorney Fritz Fremgen says, considering the nature of the allegations and the defendent’s ties to the community, he plans to request a cash bond sufficient to ensure the defendant’s appearance at all court proceedings.