VCcommPixsValley City (CSi) The Valley City Commission met Tuesday evening in Regular Session at City Hall.  All members were present.

APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS INCLUDED: Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.

Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $2,282,486.92

A Game of Chance Raffle Permit for VC/BC Ducks Unlimited.

PUBLIC FORUM No One spoke.


The City Commission approved the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 993, an ordinance to rezone Lot 2, Block 1 of NP West 3rd Addition from I-1 Light Industrial to B-1 Central Business District.

Approved the second and final reading of an Ordinance amending Title 17, Offenses for the City of Valley City – Paraphernalia, to come in line with the North Dakota Century Code.

Approved the second and final reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 9, Zoning, of the revised ordinance of Valley City, a line item.


Approved a Resolution accepting final plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the Main Street Shared Use Path (NDDOT PROJECT TAU-2-094(136)928.) Construction will start in 2016. Bids will be opened in October this year. The estimated cost is just under $390,000.


The City Commission approved a Permanent Flood Protection Master Plan Agreement with KLJ, a six month study, followed by preliminary designs, followed by public input meetings, and identify areas, priorities, options and buyouts. 85 percent of the costs is funded by the State Water Commission.

The City Commission approved a Renaissance Zone application for a 5 year income tax exemption and 5 year property tax exemption for Pinnacle Condominiums and identify it as VC-86. A building renovation will include building 20 high-end condos.

Commissioners approved the bid for repair of water tank issues discovered during inspection at a cost of $23,300.00. City Administrator Schelkoph said the corrosion issues will be addressed in the affected tanks.

Discussed and approved posting of site to public. Commissioner Luke said budget items and annual budgets from the past five years, will be posted for public viewing, under the government transparency plan.


David Schelkoph said city officials attended the state water commission meeting, defending the 80-20 cost shares between the state and the city.


City Auditor Richter gave an update on budget planning over the next few weeks.

The meeting was shown live on CSi Cable 68 followed by replays.